ASE Test Preparation Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Series Test T7: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

Fourth Edition
Author: Delmar, Cengage Learning
ISBN #: 1418048356
©2007   Publish Date: 09/28/2006
Binding: PB
Pages: 128
Publisher: Cengage Learning

Price: $25.95


This fourth edition has been completely updated to provide the most current ASE test preparation material for Medium/Heavy Duty Trucks available anywhere. Test T7: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning provides valuable preparation for Medium/Heavy Duty Truck technicians seeking certification in the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning ASE Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician Certification area. Readers are afforded scores of opportunities to ascertain their knowledge of critical concepts, through the extensive array of sample problems, ASE-style exams, and competency-specific test questions required for certification by ASE. Refresher materials, helpful test-taking strategies, and thorough explanations round out this comprehensive preparation package.

Product Benefits:

  • All ASE task lists associated with medium/heavy duty trucks are fully up-to-date to help sufficiently prepare users for the ASE certification exam
  • ASE-style exam questions reflecting the most recent ASE task changes test the skills that technicians need to know on the job
  • Each book contains a general knowledge pretest, a sample test, and additional practice learning
  • A comprehensive glossary of technical terms helps readers master important heating, ventilation, and air conditioning definitions and vocabulary
  • Provides users with a better understanding of strengths and areas needing additional review prior to taking an exam
  • Content reviewed and approved by master technicians
  • Details significance of ASE certification

Table of Contents:

Section 1: The History of ASE
Section 2: Take and Pass Every ASE Test
Section 3: Types of Questions on an ASE Exam
Section 4: Overview of the Task List
Section 5: Sample Test for Practice
Section 6: Additional Test Questions for Practice
Section 7: Appendices

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