Collision Technology

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4 matching items were found, now displaying 1 - 4


Auto Body Repair Technology

James E. Duffy
ISBN 13: 9781418073534
ISBN 10: 1418073539

The industry-leading textbook for collision repair and refinishing is now updated to the NATEF 2006 Collision Repair and Refinish Program Standards. Written with clearer explanations and more detail t...

Price: $189.95

Collision Repair and Refinishing, A Foundation Course for Technicians

Alfred Thomas; Michael Jund
ISBN 13: 9781401889944
ISBN 10: 1401889948

This new book covers all the necessary tasks for gaining knowledge of collision repair and refinishing as outlined by NATEF. In-depth coverage includes structural and non-structural analysis and dama...

Price: $159.95

Auto Body Repair Technology, 4E

James E. Duffy
ISBN 13: 9780766862722
ISBN 10: 0766862720

The single most authoritative information resource available today, Auto Body Repair Technology, 4E explains all aspects of collision repair more clearly and in greater detail than any other collision...

Price: $189.95

Motor Auto Body Repair

James E. Duffy; Robert Scharff
ISBN 13: 9780827368583
ISBN 10: 0827368585

A comprehensive, easy-to-understand text on collision repair and what it takes to become a certified auto body technician. Everything from the basics of auto construction, tools, welding, sheet metal ...

Price: $189.95


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