ASE Test Preparation - T7 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

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Author: Delmar, Cengage Learning
Edition: 005
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781111129033
ISBN 10: 1111129037
Copyright: 2012

Price: $20.95

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The fifth edition of DELMAR'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE (ASE) TEST PREPARATION MANUAL for the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck T7 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning exam now contains even more content so you can pass your ASE exam the first time. This manual will ensure that you understand the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning task list and are fully prepared and confident to take your exam.


  • All brand new practice questions!
  • Six practice tests, instead of the traditional two will help provide you with even more preparation as you develop your test-taking confidence.
  • Test questions are weighted for importance to map to the ASE task lists, so you are focusing on the areas that will help you pass.
  • We kept these same great features:Overview of what to expect when taking as ASE exam.Up-to-date ASE task lists.Overviews of each task make an easy reference point for help in answering difficult ASE questions.ASE-style exam questions.Detailed explanations

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