Delmar Cengage Learning : Charles River Media

Charles River Media is a specialty publisher established in 1994, focused on publishing books and software for the Internet, Networking, Computer Graphic, Game Development, Programming, and Computer Engineering. Charles River Media, based in Hingham Massachusetts, is widely recognized for publishing high-quality print-based trade titles.

We are pleased to announce that we have recently finalized an agreement with Charles River Media transferring ownership to Cengage Learning (formerly Thomson Learning).

Together Charles River Media and Cengage Learning have over 20 years experience publishing in current and emerging computer technologies. Charles River Media’s titles are a natural extension of the media arts design lists published by Delmar Learning and Course Technology.

We can now offer our professional and education customers a full range of content to help them improve their technical skills while learning the latest technologies.

Featured Titles:

Make Amazing Games in Minutes
Jason Darby

ISBN: 1584504072

Crystal Reports XI for Developers
David McAmis

ISBN: 1584504110

Computer Evidence
Christopher L.T. Brown

ISBN: 1584504056

Digital Design, From Gates to Intelligent Machines
Bruce F. Katz
ISBN: 1584503742

The Digital Filmmaking Handbook
Ben Long; Sonja Schenk

ISBN: 1584504382

Using Open Source Web Software with Windows
Eric Hunley

ISBN: 1584504307

See More Charles River Media titles that are coming in soon!!

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