Modern Diesel Technology, Preventive Maintenance and Inspection

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Author: John Dixon
Edition: 001
Product Type: Bound Book
ISBN 13: 9781418053918
ISBN 10: 1418053910
Copyright: 2010

Price: $134.95

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Designed for technicians new to the field of preventive maintenance for trucks and trailers, this valuable resource offers readers a clear, solid understanding of the otherwise complex equipment involved in truck servicing. MDT: Preventive Maintenance and Inspection provides the knowledge needed to identify potential problems during regular service, before they turn into major repair issues or a roadside breakdown. The book breaks down need-to-know content areas into chapters that make sense: from general shop safety and hand tools to truck/trailer reefer service and coupling systems and everything in between. Each chapter includes procedures for inspecting and maintaining that specific area. Using a generic preventive maintenance checklist as a guideline throughout, this go-to guide has everything the beginning technician needs to perform effective servicing.


  • detailed photo sequences allow readers to follow along step by step with critical tasks
  • clear, straightforward approach facilitates an understanding of even the most complicated concepts
  • checklists included for generic preventive maintenance for trucks and trailers, as well as coupling systems and auxiliary components
  • ASE Education Foundation correlations are provided in the Instructor's Guide for each chapter where applicable

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